My Moonlight Fantasy 🌒

Walking under the moonlight I looked at the moon,
With a hope that I shall meet someone pretty, soon.
Hope to see a face that has a radiant glow,
And the eyes that can make the world go slow.
The delicate eyelids covering those precious gems,
Hiding inside them the depth from where the truth begins.
Dazzled and spellbound by the silvery shine,
For the teeth that sparkle with the smile so divine.
Make no haste although the winter may fall,
For her luxuriant hair are the source of warmth.
An aroma that can fill someone with joy and zeal,
Bestowing upon me her humbleness which none can steal.
The rosy lips or perhaps the lips of rose,
Garnishing over the yummy cake is a cherry nose.
The emptiness deep down is now ceasing to grow,
For the boulevard has finally begin to glow.
The face as white as snow with a tinge of crimson,
Wears the serenity of a sunset below horizon.
A smile so beautiful that no flower can match,
It comes with delicacy and makes my day in a snatch.
An enthralling gaze of those mesmerizing beautiful eyes,
And the miraculous blink makes my heart skip beat twice.
The golden voice always ring a welcome note,
The cuckoo bird envies of u for such a clean throat.
The moon is still there staring at the twinkling star,
But the moonlight found you adorned in the most beautiful avatar.
For no star can shine or twinkle as bright as you,
And no light can make the world sparkle the way you do.. 😊

Sometimes the beautiful nature nudges us in a world of fantasy. We then begin to dream of someone who not only matches the beauty of the nature but supercedes it. A spectacularly gorgeous person whose allure is gilded when juxtaposed to nature. I hope that the readers, through this poem, smile while reliving their fantasies.

77 thoughts on “My Moonlight Fantasy 🌒

  1. OMG! 😻 I have no words, I seriously don’t. Nature poems always take my heart away. And this is just truuuuly magical. I’m not so good with words huh, there’s no word I know of, that perfectly describes how beautiful this poem is. A big Yayyyyyyy for this poem. 🙆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!!! Your words are truly inspiring.. you know how to pump people up.. Haan!!😋😋 Feeling so motivated after reading your feedback. I am glad you liked it. Thank you so much… A big yaayyyy!!!🤗🤗🤗😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I never let anyone use my favourite words in front of me! And this word is my top favourite. 😐 But, you’re using it already. Toh abi I can’t do anything except feeling weirddd. High five huh! 😛

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    1. Whether it’s a reverie or while sleeping, we are always in a dream.. And sometimes in real life, we work so hard to make those fantasies into a reality!! Hehe!
      Thank you so much!😊


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